Some Of The Things I Live For

Scroll to the end for a short poem that ties this whole piece together! Peace. ❤️

What is it to be alive?” I ask myself. Well, this is a part of what it “means” to be alive to me:



The mysterious nature of channeling infinite creativity, freedom of unique and individualized expression, and the treading of this vast realm of imagination and how it is somehow able to be guided into physical manifestation…

Expression, and in other words, Art… Where do I even begin?

Photography. Singing. Music. Dancing. Poetry. Writing. Painting. Drawing. Sculpting. Cinema. Theatre. Culinary. Ceramics. Animation. Architectural. Fashion. Design…

Creative expression. Imagination. New ideas. The vast world of Art.

I feel as though Art is often associated with playfulness, freedom, feeling, authenticity, rawness, and so much more. I would also say that Art is often associated with Life, although I believe that Art is as associated with Life as it is is to Death and beyond

I feel as though it transcends this dimension entirely, and is therefore indeed an essential component of life, and so much more

Thus, I believe that creative expression is so important, beyond any doubt!


The whole spectrum!

Love. Empathy. Sadness. Grief. Fear. Joy. Shame. Euphoria. Relaxation. Ecstasy. Excitement. Anger. Regret. Anxiety. Nervousness. Confidence. Compassion. Vulnerability. Wonder. Curiosity. Pleasure. Pain. Relief. Satisfaction… The list can go on forever… And these are just some of the feelings that we have words for!

Love for me is key (kind of like an anchor…), whether it be loving myself, loving others, and simply love as love in general; And from there, it gets even deeper as we begin to notice that there may be different subcategories for this mysterious Love, such as loving a romantic partner, loving your parents, loving your pet, loving your friends, loving your co-workers, loving this Earth, loving your bed, loving a toxic ex, loving sushi…

From this point, some may even debate that Love is not simply a feeling, but rather who we are at our core, and that Love may be indivisible from Source, which is also said by some to be the essence of who we truly are.

Regardless though, I believe that in this world, not even Love would exist without feelings such as pain, fear, and even suffering, because the only reason that Love exists as the concept that we understand and/or know it as is because we have some other concept that we’ve created to compare it to.

Inherently, I believe that the essence of Love, as we understand it to be, shall always exist, and that the only differing factor regarding this primordial and inherent essence of Love (Source) and the conceptual Love that we understand here is that we would not know nor understand this Love as the Love that we understand here since we’ve created this concept of Love through the existence and perception of polarity and ultimately dichotomy. (Love in comparison to other contextual identities that we’ve bound to other emotions in order to create and construct clearly-identifiable conceptual-identities, such as hate, fear, and suffering, that represent feelings that may then be measured on a spectrum in comparison to the contextual and conceptual identity of Love, whereas essential Love is the whole in which this spectrum lies.)

Therefore, I believe that Love, as an emotion that may be felt within a wide array of different subjective experiences, such as loving your job and loving your sibling, only exists as the unique and beautiful emotion that it is because we have other emotions on a perceivable scale and spectrum to compare and contrast it to, which is such a divine gift!

Although this emotional spectrum may be subjective, it exists here nonetheless. Light and dark. Positive and negative. Fast and slow. This is a world of polarity, and this polarity may be witnessed, observed, and reflected all around us, in a wide array of different forms of expression, and one of these forms may be represented by the diverse and unique spectrum of the e-motions that we have the potential to feel and experience here.

What a gift it is to experience this opportunity of feeling the feelings that we’re able to feel in this very moment, what a gift it is to be a human-being…

May we allow ourselves to experience these feelings freely, without judgement, nor resistance, as these are all a part of this unique and magickal experience of being alive.


There may always be room for growth, and we are in a constant process of death and rebirth as ourselves, as a species, and as a collective whole.

Touching upon my last point of emotions: More often times than not, once we touch a hot stove and feel pain, we tend to not touch that hot stove again…

I believe that this observable Universe is cyclical, and that the majority of this Universe is founded upon the base of cycles.

Some examples of these cycles may include the way in which the stars, moons, and planets revolve around each other due to the pull of gravity, which ultimately results in the observable cycle between “night” and “day” that we experience here on this planet, which is ultimately tied to the cycle of Time that we have been able measure here in relation to our interplanetary cycles, which is then ultimately tied to this cycle of Life.

In this cycle of life, there is also a process of death, birth, and everything in between, including reproduction (if one chooses to do so) and inevitably, Evolution.

Although within this cycle of life, there are even subtler cycles at play, most of which we are not even aware nor conscious of, such as the cycles that tend to occur on a mental level, which often manifests here in the physical as a secondary effect.

These mental cycles may also go by the names of habits and patterns, and the majority of them tend to occur unconsciously, under our radar, and may even be observable in the brain being represented by the firing of certain neurons and the activation of certain neural pathways.

These cycles function through time, and they’re only able to function and exist because of time, and over time, the more we fall into the same patterns and behaviors, the easier these patterns and behaviors become to follow.

Therefore, one of the things that I live for is Evolution, and the development, progression, and improvement of myself on my own personal journey, our species as a whole, and this entire planet, Mother Earth.

(And eventually this solar system if we become interplanetary!)

This cycle of life not only occurs on a literal level, but also on many metaphorical levels, through constant cycles of death and rebirth, fail and redo, and rest and recover

Evolution to me means the movement of being alive, and, tied to the first point of Expression, using our creativity to not only birth new ways of being, but to also shed old one’s that no longer serve us and to take breaks in between.

Evolution to me means death, rest, and rebirth


The icing on the cake, and the point that I believe ties all of these previous points together: This experience of being alive, and the gift of being ourselves…

The point that sums it all up: Experience.

Whether it be experiencing a creative breakthrough, experiencing an emotion, the experience of interacting with others and the world around us, experiencing how much effort it may take to do something different from that of which has been done before, and experiencing this entire existence, Experience is at the core here, and we’re here in it!


We get to experience time, waking up in the morning, falling asleep at night. 

Experience sense: Taste, smell, sound, touch, and sight. 

Experience talking, walking, gradient darkness and the light.

Experience feeling all these feelings, little packets of finite.

Experience Art, it's unimaginable imaginable power.

So far I'm in the stage where I bloom into a flower,

And I gaze into this present which is where it all depends,

On this decision: If I want to do this past all over again.

Experience. Emotion. Expression. Evolution.

- Jo

A deep thank you for reading!

Once again, United Being’s writing is not objective truth, but a fresh lens to consider perceiving the world through. There is no “right” nor “wrong” way of interpreting this, and I encourage all of my readers to absorb the information that I provide here, and use it as a tool to be integrated into your own unique and individual perspective, as you continue to tread and honor your own path. All my love, and genuine best wishes to you all .


3 Keys for Taking Grounded Action

Below, I expand upon three points, and elaborate on how we can use these consistently in taking real, grounded, action towards our goals.

Setting the foundation to create new cycles of thinking for our benefit…

What we’re doing here is changing the way that our minds process and react to certain situations; In other words, we are embedding a new pattern in our minds by doing this.

This process is basically creating a shortcut in our brains, bypassing any unnecessary thinking processes, and cutting straight to the main points of our constructed pathway.

This is like taking a 10 page essay and shortening it to 5 pages, by removing all of the unnecessary “fluff”, and keeping the main points of the paper.

This is creating a clear map of our goals in a language that our brains understand. Each point that we get clear on in this process will relay a message to our brains, constructing a clear pathway that allows us to take clear, immediate, and grounded action towards our goals.

1. “I am here.”

When we catch ourselves veering from the path that we’ve set, feeling overwhelmed, caught up in thoughts about the past, the future, and all of the “maybes“, the first step is always to realize this:

“I am here.”

To take any grounded action, we must first get the “grounded” part down. So before anything, the first step is to realize where we are.

Anything else was out of our control anyways, because it existed outside of this moment, and this moment is where we are.

So before jumping into anything else, the foundation is always set in the now, because this is where the grounded action is taken, regardless of the goal/endpoint.

So to begin: “I am here.”

Not there, and not then, but here.

2. “Where am I going?”

This is where the goal is set. Not the steps that come along the way, and not the contemplation/rationalization of everything that may or may not come as a byproduct of that goal, but the ultimate goal itself.

So once we realize where we are, we can then ask ourselves and get clear on:

“Where am I going?”

What is the point that I intend to get to? Not how am I going to get there, but where am I getting to? The ultimate end goal.

Getting clear on this allows the mind to construct a clear vision of our goal, and set it as the endpoint of where we are moving to. This gives our brain tunnel vision and laser focus when referencing our goal, because there is no doubt nor question regarding a destination.

“This is where I am I headed, and that is it. I do not know how I am getting there, but I do know that there is where I am getting to.

3. “What am I going to do about it?”

So we have grounded ourselves in the present, realized where we are, and set a clear goal for where we are going, now what do we do? After getting clear on the first two steps, identifying the starting-point and the endpoint, we can then move on and ask ourselves:

“What am I going to do about it?”

Not “What am I going to do about it in the future?” but “What am I going to do about it now?”

This is where we do not give ourselves a choice. This is the step that ties it all together. This is the “action” part of the grounded action, and this is where we take the first step.

There is no questioning, only doing. This is identifying a step, no matter how small or how big, that will bring us towards that goal, that can be taken in this very moment, and doing it without question.

When this first step is taken, then so is the grounded action! Following this three step process can be done anywhere, anytime, and in any situation. This allows us to see what we can do now, here, in order to get there, and trusting that we will get there, while still being here, and doing what we can in the moment.

These are the steps that I apply for taking grounded action in my life, and this has been a powerful process! So all of my love and best wishes, I invested a great deal of time and energy into writing this post, and genuinely hope it helps!

I also briefly expand upon this topic in the newest episode of my podcast, Interplay. Feel free to check it out and support below!